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Custom Synthesis

We provides custom synthesis solutions to serve pharmaceutical and biotechnical industries. Our scientists experience and expertise include the synthesis of scaffolds, building blocks, reference compounds and novel reagents. We offer prompt quotation, competitive prices, high quality products and expedited delivery.

Our company partner with powerful R&D and manufacture ability, which is capable of manipulate many sorts of synthesis and separation unit. High temperature reaction above 300oC, low temperature reaction below -90oC, as well as high pressure reaction. Our facility also provides all kinds of dangerous chemosynthesis, such as nitration synthesis, azide synthesis and so on. We provide customized synthesis services from milligram to kilogram scale, which meet the needs of our customers.

We synthesize:

  • Reference Compounds & Libraries
  • Literature and Non-literature Compounds
  • Patented Compounds
  • Novel Chiral Molecules
  • Small Molecules
  • Complex Intermediates
  • Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
If you cannot find the compound on this site, please send us the CAS#, chemical name and the size you need, we will provide a quote for you.
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